Akashic Records Glossary

Akashic Records: Akashic Records is an energetic database that stores every choice that we have ever made. Each Soul has its own Akashic Record as part of its fifth-dimensional aspect.

Anger Spears: Anger spears are a specific kind of negative thought form directed at us. They are very intense concentrations of anger, hurled at us by someone who perceives that we hurt them in some way.

Bargains: Bargains are agreements between two people engaging in an exchange for personal gain. Usually, the person must sacrifice for the perceived gain they desire. Bargains are usually made for money, status, or power.

Blocks of Truth: A “block to Truth” indicates that we do not have access to accurate information from this Soul’s Record.

Blocks and Restrictions:  Blocks and restrictions are the result of negative karmic patterns that may have originated in a past life and may still be perpetuating this negativity today.

Changeling:  A Changeling Soul has a highly unstable Divine Soul Blueprint. Because of this instability, it is impossible to receive accurate information about a Changeling Soul.

Choice:  Choice happens at the level of action. When we make a choice, we actually affect our entire Divine Soul Blueprint at all other dimensional levels of existence.

Compassionate Connections: Compassionate connections form when we unconsciously allow another Soul to draw on our vital force energy because we feel compassion towards them. While compassionate connections begin through choices to give assistance made at the physical body level, they can also persist energetically long after the relationship has ended on the physical plane.

Contracts: Contracts are negative agreements we make with others. They can serve as an attachment mechanism and are mainly a past-life issue. They are created in highly intense, often traumatic situations where one person decides to take responsibility for another.

Constraints:  Constraints are created when we surrender our free will to the will of another person. In other words, we choose to let our free will be “constrained” or limited by someone else’s free will.

Earthbound Souls: Earthbound Souls are Souls that did not cross over appropriately because of traumatic death, fear of death, unexpected death, or attachment to their physical existence.

Godspark: The Godspark is like a golden umbilical cord and arises from the center of our sternum, above the heart center. This connection is how we receive vital force energy from Divine Source.

Godspark Damage:  Godspark damage is always a symptom of current negative choices. If you have Godspark damage, you have less access to vital force energy.

Golden Web:  Our Golden Web is an “energetic membrane” that surrounds our energy bodies and keeps us in wholeness and integrity as an energetic Being.

Independent Negative Thought Forms: Independent negative thought forms are thought forms that have received so much energy from so many different people that they became independent and able to take on a life of their own.

Karma: Karma is the energetic mechanism by which each choice creates a consequence. The energetic quality of a consequence is always the same as the energetic quality as the choice that created it.

Light Power Imaging:   (LPI) is a Soul-level technique that also masks the Soul’s identity. Imagine a Light Power Imager surrounding themselves with energetic “mirrors” that serve as a façade device.

Multidimensionality:  Quantum physics recognizes ten dimensional aspects of existence. We already exist at all ten dimensional levels of existence. Our physical body is our third-dimensional aspect, our mind is your fourth-dimensional aspect, and our Soul is everything that lies beyond the mind.

Negative Astral Travel:  “Negative” astral travel is the general term used for the numerous issues that can occur when we travel in and out of the astral planes during sleep. Negative astral travel is astral travel that does not serve us to process at the level of our subconscious, or in receiving and integrating vital force energy. It is usually a symptom of negative blocks and restrictions in our Divine Soul Blueprint, or negative patterns of choice we are currently engaged in.

Negative Etheric Implants:  Negative etheric implants are fairly common non-physical mechanisms. They are like little pieces of “software” that we create to run programs in either our mental or emotional bodies.

Negative Intentions:  A negative intention is a concentration of ill wishes with a lot of emotional energy behind them! Negative intentions are a very common attachment mechanism. Negative intentions can connect the people involved for many lifetimes.

Negative Thought Forms:  Negative thought forms are thoughts of energy that if repeated long enough, they actually take a fourth-dimensional “form” in our mental energy body. 

Negative Unjustified Karma:  Negative unjustified karma occurs when we perceive to have made a horrible mistake that we never ever want to repeat because of the perception that we have hurt someone else physically or emotionally through our choice.

Physical Negative Implants:  Physical negative implants are foreign objects that are placed in our bodies that simply don’t resonate to us vibrationally. They will be energetically (and in some cases physically) irritating to us.

Portalways:  Portalways are the energetic doorways we use to travel between dimensions and to the astral planes. Portalways are in and of themselves not negative - we use them constantly to access the astral planes during sleep, and we use them unconsciously to access information about the past and the future.

Primary & Secondary Energy Centers (Gifts): Our primary / secondary Energy Centers are our Divine Gifts. They are the energetic resource we are inherently most abundant in.

Secondary Godspark:  A Secondary Godspark feeds additional vital force energy to specific chakras. Secondary Godsparks are usually a sign that a person has chosen a path of impact on the rest of the world.

Soul Group:  Our “Soul Group” indicates into which star system the Soul incarnated right after its origination from Divine Source. We incarnate for the first time into a star system that is most vibrationally “like” us at our origination. Soul Groups of Origination share certain Soul-level traits that serve them within their human experience in creating more of what they want.

Soul Loss:  The Soul is made up of our fifth- through tenth-dimensional aspects. Parts of our Soul can be lost when we attract extreme trauma. Sexual abuse, killing another human, rape, witnessing a loved one tortured, raped or killed, are all examples of experiences that traumatize us to the core of our Being and cause us to damage our Souls.

Spirit Guides: Spirit Guides are Souls that have incarnated in the past and are familiar with the human experience. Serving as Spirit Guides is their current vehicle of Divine self-expression, much like we have chosen a human body.

Vows:  Vows are usually promises made to a perception of external spiritual authority. The keeping of that promise results in negative choices. Vows may also be made to an actual person whom we perceive as a spiritual authority, such as a guru or even a husband.