Malena Energetics Wellness Center is a private wellness center in a San Diego Mountain community away from the entanglements of the busy city life. Enjoy a retreat with a comfortable setting, relaxed atmosphere, and positive energy while accessing the latest quantum energy advanced technologies.
Malena Energetics Wellness Center is an expansion of UniverSoul Connection, a multi-dimentional energy medicine practice focused on realigning the soul to its Divine Soul Blueprint.
In August 2022, the UniverSoul Connection practice evolved, and Malena Energetics Wellness Center was established to include advanced technologies and more wellness resources.
Malena Energetics Wellness Center is focused on empowering individuals to regain control of their health by providing tools and resources that help balance the mind, body and spirit, the whole person. Our staff is here to help you remember your true nature by sharing ancient knowledge and wisdom, providing the sacred space for healing, increased awareness and consciousness expansion.
Hi, I am Maria Magdalena, my light language name is Achiri and some people like to call me Malena or Maggie. I have been practicing alternative/natural medicine and energy healing since 2004. I am grateful to be one of the many on my maternal grandmother's lineage to practice various forms of natural medicine. My great uncle was a famous Curandero from Mexico and I have great cousins who also practice ancient healing arts. We are here to be of service to humanity helping to transmute lower energies, release pain, suffering, karma and programing.
My passion for healing went into full gear in 2004, when my mother was diagnosed with Auto-Immune Hepatitis. I was not happy with the lack of solutions offered by Western Medicine, when the only solution offered was a liver transplant. I began researching herbs, energy healing and other natural alternatives. I completed courses and attunements in energy medicine, fitness, nutrition and immersed myself to understand the human body. With my mother's permission, I implemented various natural alternatives and within six months my mother fully recovered with no need for any medication intervention or transplant. This was the start of an amazing journey filled with hope.
In May of 2022, I had a life changing event, and I decided to find the silver lining in the experience and turn my part time alternative/holistic practice into my full-time joy. It was not easy making the decision to leave a steady income and invest my retirement savings, but it was time to follow my Soul's path and practice what I love full time.
As I looked for expansion and new solutions, I came across various advanced technologies that had the potential and clear scientific evidence to help the body heal itself. These advanced frequency based technologies are facilitating an increased level of awareness and consciousness. Together with our energetic blueprint, we are bridging the gap between the scientific and spiritual realms. We are addressing the whole person by helping to balance the mind, body and spiritual self.
A new chapter began, and Malena Energetics Wellness Center was established to include more services. People ask why our practice is called Malena Energetics Wellness Center? Malena is the combination of my first and middle name and at soul level we know everything is energy, it seemed appropriate to add "Energetics". We are a center with the intention to facilitate you being well again and return to your original balanced self on all levels. We welcome you to Malena Energetics Wellness Center, a safe and comfortable place where you can let go of everything that doesn't serve you anymore.
I am grateful for the guidance and support I receive from the physical and cosmic realms. Everything is intended and created with higher purpose and insight.
Human Anatomy, Fitness & Nutrition, Herbal Medicine, Energy Healing, Quantum Energy, Chakras, Reincarnation, The Universal Laws, Law of One, Metallurgy, Aromatherapy, Sound, Color and Crystal Therapy, Numerology, and The Akashic Records.
Akashic Records - Soul Realignment
Reiki, Master-Teacher
Fitness & Nutrition
Essential Oils - Barcelona Spain
Reiki Massage - Lineage Master Healer